18” x 24”
oil on canvas
$320.00 CAD
It is so easy when we have been hurt to lash out, to blame, to hold grudges, or to simply hold this hurt inside of us our entire lives. In order to avoid facing our shadows we end up burdening ourselves as every negative emotion we carry begins to weigh us down.
And while it certainly takes a great deal of courage to own our shadows; to sit with them, to listen to their voice and what they have to say, truly doing so is what frees us. To release the energy that they hold on us, in understanding that they are nothing more than a lesson to help us grow into our truest selves.
Above all, it is the sign of purest strength to not only let go of the attachment our traumas hold within us, but to transform that negative energy into something beautiful. To transform it into love, compassion, creativity and healing. To send that out to others and the world around you, so that others may share your love and wisdom with you.